The art of softening the face with botulinum toxin

A Softox® treatment is a treatment with lower dosages of botulinum toxin. It softens facial expressions and improves the appearance. Before the treatment, facial expressions are analyzed so that the treatment can be adapted to the individual.

During the analysis, the facial expressions are carefully examined by the aesthetic physician. To support this, special software can be used. This software measures very precisely how the contraction of the facial muscles leads to a certain appearance. This can help to understand better why certain facial muscles will be treated with Softox®.

By treating very targeted and low dosed, the result is a relaxed, positive and fresh face. Mastering the art of Softox®treatments also means leaving enough facial expression to communicate emotions and intentions.


of Softox® treatments 

Stories about treatments with Softox® . Examples of facial analysis and treatment approaches.

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Botulinum toxin

Information about botulinum toxin, for example how long has it been used? How does it work? What facial muscles can be treated?

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Why Softox®?
new generations.. 

Now that more and more young people want to start using botulinum toxin to prevent wrinkles, a different treatment strategy becomes necessary.

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